Inguinal hernia
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Inguinal hernia
- This image shows multiple loops of dilated small bowel, indicating small bowel obstruction.
- A loop of bowel is seen below the level of the inguinal ligament, indicating an inguinal hernia, the cause of obstruction.
- The abdominal X-ray should not be relied on to detect hernias. If obstruction is suspected the hernial orifices must be examined clinically.
Umbilical hernia
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Umbilical hernia
- Multiple loops of dilated small bowel indicate small bowel obstruction. These loops can be seen down to the level of a large round density in the central abdomen. This appearance is occasionally seen in obstruction due to an umbilical hernia.
- Gas in the rectum suggests the obstruction is not absolute.
- A CT was performed - (see image below).
Umbilical hernia - CT
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Umbilical hernia - CT
- (Same patient as image above)
- This sagittal plane CT image shows the cause of the round area of density seen on the image above. The image clearly demonstrates the defect in the anterior abdominal wall and herniation of bowel and ascitic fluid.