About Radiology Masterclass


Radiology Masterclass aims to provide world-class educational services. Designed with UK medical students and doctors in mind, Radiology Masterclass now reaches a broad range of healthcare professionals worldwide.

We aim to offer educational material which covers the undergraduate medical imaging curriculum as specified by the Royal College of Radiologists, London, UK. Radiology Masterclass pledges only to publish material which is deemed to be of the highest quality. We believe that this commitment to quality of educational material is the reason for the ongoing success of the site.


Radiology Masterclass was founded in 2007 by consultant radiologist, Dr Graham Lloyd-Jones (BA MBBS MRCP FRCR) who continues as director.

Dr Graham Lloyd-Jones - Consultant Radiologist - Radiology MasterclassDr Lloyd-Jones initially trained in Graphic Design at the University of the West of England (1991) before going on to study Medicine at Imperial College, London (2001). He trained in postgraduate medicine in West London and then as a Radiologist in Southampton, UK (2009). He now works as a Consultant Radiologist at Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, Wiltshire, UK. His specialist interests are chest and musculoskeletal imaging. He is the Lead Radiologist for the Duke of Cornwall Spinal Treatment Centre based at Salisbury. Dr Lloyd-Jones is the co-author and illustrator of 'Radiology at a Glance' (Wiley-Blackwell, 2nd Ed. 2017).

Research work

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr Lloyd-Jones has pursued a passionate interest in understanding the disease pathogenesis. Following his invited presentation to the British Society for Haematology - November 2020 - he explains, "To understand a new disease ... we all need to go back to medical school". See the full presentation titled - "What can the Radiology tell us about the vasculopathy of COVID-19 lung disease".

He has discussed the disease pathogenesis with many experts from a wide range of medical disciplines: from critical care specialists to virologists; from respiratory physicians to dentists. He explains the vascular nature of the lung disease in more detail in the discussion page titled - COVID-19 lung disease: a pulmonary vasculopathy.

In December 2020, Dr Lloyd-Jones was invited to join the REACT COVID-19 study group base in Southampton, UK, to  undertake a detailed analysis of CT and Chest X-ray findings to establish the primary vascular nature of COVID-19 lung disease.

He has also independently published a hypothesis which presents a novel understanding of the route of infection. This hypothesis is based on knowledge that the SARS-CoV-2 virus first infects the upper respiratory tract (nasal passages and mouth), not the lung airways, that a reservoir of the virus forms in saliva in the mouth, and that high viral load in saliva and gum disease are independently linked to poor outcome. He was the first to propose that the route the SARS-CoV-2 virus takes from the oral cavity to the lungs is intravascular (via the bloodstream) and that the main converging risk factor for poor outcome is gum disease.

Dr Lloyd-Jones has teamed up with world-renowned experts in the field of oral health to publish the hypothesis. Read it here - The COVID-19 Pathway: A Proposed Oral-Vascular-Pulmonary Route of SARS-CoV-2 Infection and the Importance of Oral Healthcare Measures.

Research profile

Dr Graham Lloyd-Jones ORCID profile

Dr Graham Lloyd-Jones Research Gate profile

Interview with Dr Graham Lloyd-Jones

Gloria Onwumeme of The Student Doctor Network interviews Dr Graham Lloyd-Jones, founder of Radiology Masterclass. Read the full interview here - Interview with Dr Graham Lloyd-Jones.


Radiology Masterclass is grateful to the following people for their help.

Dr Mary Gawne-Cain (Consultant Neuroradiologist - University Hospital Southampton UK) for her work on editing the CT brain tutorials and CT brain image galleries.

Dr Charles Peebles (Consultant Cardiothoracic Radiologist - University Hospital Southampton UK) for his help in providing images for the 'Basics of MRI Interpretation' tutorial.

Dr Richard Smith (Consultant Rheumatologist - Salisbury District Hospital UK) for editing the 'Imaging of Musculoskeletal Disorders' tutorial.

Dr Mark Wills (Consultant Gastrointestinal Radiologist - Salisbury District Hospital UK) for his work in editing the Chest X-ray tubes tutorial and image gallery.

Dr Chris Watts (Consultant Interventional Radiologist - Royal Bournemouth Hospital UK) for his work in editing the Chest X-ray tubes tutorial and image gallery.

Affiliation scheme

Radiology Masterclass invites academic and health care institutions to join the affiliation scheme. Any individual who is in a recognised role of medical education, undergraduate or postgraduate, can apply to join the scheme on behalf of their institution. Any person associated with an affiliated institution (on the basis of their institutional email address) is given access to the courses section certificated assessments at discounted rates. For more information, please see the affiliate scheme page. To apply for membership to the scheme please complete the affiliate scheme application form.


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Commenting on medical imaging and the links between oral health and development of systemic diseases @DrGrahamLJ.


The use of Radiology Masterclass website is no substitute for formal medical training. Radiology Masterclass takes no responsibility for lack of exam success and advises adherence to local standards required within a formal undergraduate and postgraduate medical education curriculum. Where local advice differs from methodology proffered in the Radiology Masterclass website, local advice must be followed. Radiology Masterclass does not guarantee that data referring to clinical guidelines or nomenclature is up to date. No clinical decision should be made based on material in this website, reference to senior clinical opinion and knowledge gained from wider medical education is always required. Radiology Masterclass does not offer medical advice and if asked to do so via the contact form is not obliged to respond.

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New Trauma X-ray Quizzes

The site is currently undergoing a systems update. Some functions on the site may not work for the next 24-48 hours. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.

Trauma X-ray Quiz - Upper Limb

Trauma X-ray - Lower Limb

The Radiology OSCE (video)

Presentation by Dr Graham Lloyd-Jones at the annual finals conference of the Royal Society of Medicine. Essential tips on how to get through the Radiology OSCE. Watch video >>

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