Radiology Masterclass – Privacy policy

This page contains information regarding the use of your data by Radiology Masterclass.


You/your/user - Refers to a 'user' of services provided by Radiology Masterclass Limited.

Us/we/our - Refers to 'Radiology Masterclass Limited'.

Your institution – Your place of study or employment, or the organisation/charity with which you are affiliated


Radiology Masterclass takes your privacy seriously. We know how annoying it is if you are contacted when you don't expect it and we promise not to do so.

Any data you provide to Radiology Masterclass is used only for the purpose for which you have given it to Radiology Masterclass. It will not be used to contact you other than for the specific purposes of site functionality you have purchased, or in relation to the direct communication you have sent us. Your data is not divulged to any other organisation for marketing purposes. Your data is not divulged to any third party under any other circumstance unless it is legally required and in accordance with this privacy policy. You will not be added to a mailing list unless you have specifically signed up for this service.

Radiology Masterclass is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our users.

When you register on the site you are given the option to receive information from Radiology Masterclass, such as updates when new content is posted, events, and special offers, via our Email Newsletter. We do not automatically sign you up to receive any information. If you have signed up in the past and you do not wish to continue to receive the Email Newsletter, then you can easily unsubscribe using the unsubscribe button which is clearly marked in the email. We promise not to contact you again unless you actively sign up to the newsletter at a later date.

By opting to register on the site, and by signing up to the Email Newsletter, you give consent for Radiology Masterclass to process your information in accordance with this privacy policy.

How Radiology Masterclass uses your personal data

What data do we collect?

We collect data at the time of your registration on the site including your title, name, current institution (hospital or educational establishment), postal address details and email address.

How do we process this information?

Your contact details are only processed for the purpose of advertising, marketing and public relations directly connected with the activities of Radiology Masterclass. The address information is used to populate information to aid in the process of payment for additional services by Radiology Masterclass. We do not use your address to make contact with you by mail.

Your email address is used for registration purpose; it acts as your user name and is used to identify you and any transactions made under your account. We might need to access your account details in the event that you contact us to ask a question about your account or if you need us to process a transaction manually, add items to your account, or if your request a refund.

Bank details

Radiology Masterclass does not hold your bank details. All transactions are processed by our secure third-party payment system provider. Even in the event of needing to process a refund Radiology Masterclass cannot access your bank information.

Transaction data

Radiology Masterclass retains information pertaining to transactions you make on the website. This data includes your name, postal address, email address, and information about the transaction including the time and date of the transaction, the amount paid, and the reference number of the transaction. Payment details are not retained by Radiology Masterclass.

Data from other sources

Radiology Masterclass does not collect data from other sources

Your IP address

Radiology Masterclass does not collect information pertaining to your IP address.

Privacy relating to reviewers

The review page of the Radiology Masterclass website contains the name and institution or origin of those who have contacted Radiology Masterclass to offer reviews. Only those who have given expressed consent for reviews to be posted are listed on the Radiology Masterclass reviews page.

What happens if you contact us via the contact us page?

By contacting Radiology Masterclass via email or via the contact us page, you give consent for Radiology Masterclass to respond to your message.

If you use the contact us form on the contact us page, it is assumed that you have read the privacy notice on this page which states – ‘Your details will not be passed to any third party. The email address you provide on this form will only be used by Radiology Masterclass to reply to your message.’ – and that you have understood this notice and that you agree with it. On this basis we promise not to pass on your information to any third-party, we will not add your email address to any address list, not even our own, and we will only use the email address you supply to contact you regarding matters directly related to your message. The notice also includes the statement... ‘Please note that no response will be made to requests for personal medical advice or a radiological opinion’. In the event that you have contacted Radiology Masterclass inadvertently with this sort of message, Radiology Masterclass will not reply to you or contact you, we will not pass on your information to any third-party, and your email will be permanently deleted from our record.

What happens if you sign up to our affiliates scheme?

By completing the Radiology Masterclass affiliates scheme application via the affiliates scheme application page, you give us consent to respond to your message and to contact you regarding matters pertaining to the affiliates scheme. Your contact email address and the other details you supply are kept on record solely for this purpose and will not be passed on to any other party for any reason.

On completing this application form we encourage you to sign up to our Email Newsletter, which is our usual method of passing on information to affiliation scheme members, but this is not compulsory. If you do sign up to receive our Email Newsletter then you will be able to unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe button. This will not affect your affiliation membership.

Membership of the affiliation scheme is an on-going relationship between Radiology Masterclass and an individual representing an academic or healthcare institution, or another organisation such as a charity or business. If you would like us to remove you from the scheme, then you have the right to request this in accordance with your rights as described elsewhere in this document. Please note that if you decide to do this then the institutional membership to the scheme will be nullified; if the institution wishes to continue as a member then a new individual from that institution will have to re-apply on behalf of the institution.

Privacy relating to users of course completion assessments

For the purpose of verification of course completion test certificates your employer or academic institution may need to contact Radiology Masterclass to check your details and results. This will usually be easily achievable to the satisfaction of employers/academic institutions if you yourself use your unique verification code, as seen on your certificate of course completion. If your employer or academic institution finds it necessary to make further checks by making contact with Radiology Masterclass, then this can only be performed with your expressed consent in writing via your registered email address. If you have included success in a course completion assessment provided by Radiology Masterclass on your application for any employment, or in your CV/resume/portfolio, then Radiology Masterclass is obliged to help the relevant employer or academic institution in verification of your details. To allow this check to be performed you will need to provide contact details of the third party you wish Radiology Masterclass to contact, and you will need to specify the information you want us to pass on to your employer/academic institution. In the event that an employer or academic institution contacts Radiology Masterclass prior to your permission being granted, then Radiology Masterclass will contact you via your registered email address to ask for permission to pass on the relevant information which you must specify. If your email address is no longer valid or if you do not provide relevant information in a timely fashion, then Radiology Masterclass cannot be held responsible for the actions that your employer academic institution takes. If this results in loss of the user’s employment, expulsion from an academic institution, or any other consequence, then Radiology Masterclass cannot be held responsible.

Certificate information

If you have completed an online course completion assessment provided by Radiology Masterclass, then your personalised verification code displayed on your certificate cannot be accessed by anyone other than you, or a person to whom you have given this code. If, for whatever reason, you or your employer or academic institution, need Radiology Masterclass to access your certificate, then you will need to pass on this code to us. It is possible for Radiology Masterclass to verify to a third-party, such as your employer, academic institution, or charitable organisation, that a certain score has been achieved, however we will not do this without your direct permission in writing via email. If you contact us to ask a question about your assessment(s), we may need to access your account details in order to answer your question, for example to verify your score or to verify if or when a payment was made. If you fail to actively give us permission to contact your institution, then Radiology Masterclass takes no responsibility for the actions of your institution. You are warned that your institution may assume that the course completion assessment was either not taken or that you have inaccurately reported your score. Radiology Masterclass will not defend you in this circumstance.

Fraud and intellectual property

If you have been discovered to have used content from the Radiology Masterclass website for any purpose without permission – for example in an educational setting, a publication (printed or online), or for inappropriate use – we maintain the right to contact you and your legal representatives in order to make a challenge of improper use or plagiarism.

We also maintain the right to contact your employer, academic institution, or other representative organisation in the interest of protecting the public from medical professionals (or other persons) who claim to be the author of material that belongs to Radiology Masterclass and by so doing project a knowledge or status which is not rightfully theirs. Any individual using the name Radiology Masterclass who gives the impression to any other person or party that they are associated with Radiology Masterclass who in fact does not have a legitimate connection with Radiology Masterclass may also be contacted by us for the purpose of making a challenge (directly from Radiology Masterclass to the said individual or via legal representatives). The legal basis for this is the requirement for us to protect our interests and intellectual property, and also to protect the public as stated above.

Non-compliance with our general terms and conditions

If you are thought to have acted in contradiction to our general terms and conditions, then we may contact you or your legal representative to make a challenge.

Other possible reasons for contacting you

In addition to the above specific purposes for which we may process your personal data, we may also process data in order to protect your interests or the interests of other people.

Other possible reasons for deleting your data

Occasionally users pass on their user password to us accidentally. If this happens to you, then we promise to inform you of your error and to delete all correspondence containing the relevant user account details and password. We promise not to pass this information on or to use this information for any other purpose. If this happens you are advised to change your user password for use on the Radiology Masterclass website as soon as possible, and if you use this password for any other accounts you should also change the password for those accounts as soon as possible.

If you provide us with any other information accidentally, we promise to inform you and to delete the information.

Data breaches

If Radiology Masterclass is subject to a breach of data, such that your data is accessed unexpectedly, illegally, or accidentally by any third-party not mentioned in this policy, then we promise to tell you as soon as this is known to us, and to report this breach to the appropriate authorities. We uphold the responsibility and retain the right to contact you in this circumstance even if you have not signed up to our Email Newsletter.

Providing your personal data to others

Radiology Masterclass does not pass on any information to third-parties for the purpose of marketing or advertising. We may disclose information where it is necessary for the purposes and other legal bases as set out in this privacy policy.

We share automated transaction data that you enter with our payment services providers only to the extent necessary for the purposes of processing or refunding a payment or dealing with questions you have about our payment. Radiology Masterclass has no means of retaining your banking details used for online transactions.

In addition to the possible reasons for specific disclosure of your personal data as set out in this policy, we may pass on your personal data where such disclosure is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject, or in order to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of another person, for example in the case of a data breach.

We may also pass on your data where such a disclosure is necessary in the event of defending a legal claim.

International transfer of data

Radiology Masterclass only has a UK-based office. We only transfer data internationally if you yourself are not from the UK and you make use of services provided by Radiology Masterclass, or if we contact you within the confines of the limitations set out in this privacy policy.

Radiology Masterclass only operates via internet hosting facilities based in the UK.

Telephone contact

Radiology Masterclass does not foresee any circumstances under which you will be contacted by us by telephone other than for pre-arranged discussion. If you are contacted by anyone claiming to be an employee of Radiology Masterclass without prior written arrangement, then you are advised to hang-up and immediately report this to Radiology Masterclass via the contact page marking the subject as URGENT. We will treat any such contacts extremely seriously and will make every effort to support any official policing organisation in investigating the source of such a contact in accordance with limitations set out in this document.

Retaining and deleting personal data

Radiology Masterclass promises that any of the personal data that you provided us with will not be kept for longer than necessary for the purpose you gave it to us.

Changes to this policy

This policy will occasionally need to be changed. Each version will be updated on the website and dated as appropriate. We reserve the right to change the wording of this policy without your consent and without informing you. It is your responsibility to check the wording of this document to ensure that you agree with the changes made

If there is a significant change to this policy, then we may contact you to inform you but will only do so if you have actively signed up to our Email Newsletter. If you have not signed up to being contacted in this way, then by using the Radiology Masterclass website you agree to do so on the basis that you agree with the up-to-date privacy policy and terms and conditions of use.

Your rights about your data

Right to be informed – You have the right to be informed about how we use your data. This privacy policy is written with the intention of explaining this in the interest of transparency. Also, Radiology Masterclass informs its users at every point of data collection with a ‘Privacy Notice’. We do not collect information about you without your consent. If the way we use your data changes, you also have the right to be informed and Radiology Masterclass promises to inform you.

Right to access – You have the right to access any personal data that Radiology Masterclass holds about you. This includes your right to be aware of and to be able to verify the lawfulness of our data processing. You are entitled to confirm that your data is being, or has been, processed. Radiology Masterclass promises to provide any information you require regarding your personal data as soon as is reasonably possible (at the latest within one month or receipt of the request, unless a request is complex or numerous in which case the limit for compliance is extended by a further two months following an explanation of the extension). We promise to supply this information free of charge, however we reserve the right to charge a reasonable administrative fee if your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, particularly if it is repetitive. In processing requests of this nature, we will verify your identity using reasonable means and if you contacted us electronically then we will respond using the same format. In accordance with GDPR documentation Radiology Masterclass provides direct access by the user to all personal information we hold. This can be found in your account area or in automated or manual emails sent to you as part of a transaction made. We do not hold information about you that you do not already know. In responding to queries of this nature, or other requests for information, you may be required to check your email junk/spam filter. Radiology Masterclass cannot take responsibility for checking that the user is able to operate their email client competently for this purpose or any other purpose necessary to comply with this policy.

Right to rectification – You have a right for the personal information held by Radiology Masterclass to be correct and complete. You can edit your personal information using the ‘edit my account details’ function in the account area. As some of this information is automatically transferred to certificates provided as part of online course completion assessment(s), it is important – for the purpose of avoiding fraudulent use of the site – that your name cannot be changed using this facility. If you need Radiology Masterclass to change your name, then you can make a request in writing for us to do so using the contact page. If you request for a complete change of name, then Radiology Masterclass reserves the right to request evidence to confirm that you have changed your name – this may come in the form of a legal document provided by a legal representative or other means to the satisfaction of Radiology Masterclass – for the purposes of ensuring that you have not transferred your account to another individual for any reason, including fraudulent or potentially fraudulent use of the site. If a request is made to us of this nature, then we will respond to you and act on this request without delay and within a maximum time period of one month.

Right to erasure – You have the right to be forgotten. If you would like us to delete the details that we hold about you, then please let us know via the contact page. We have a mechanism of ensuring that your data can be removed from our system permanently and irreversibly. Please note that if you ask us to take this step, then your account will be deleted. If you have previously signed up to take one of our online course completion assessments, then you will no longer be able to access your certificate of course completion. You can save a copy of the certificate for your own record, but the verification code will no longer be useable, and we will not be able to confirm to any employer, future employer, academic institution, or other party that you have ever registered with Radiology Masterclass or completed an assessment. All email correspondence and transaction information will also be deleted from our system at your request. Please note that this ‘right’ does not apply in all circumstances. If there is an investigation regarding unlawful use of the site involving you or your account, for example relating to an act of plagiarism, which may require us to pass on your personal information to a third party, such as an employer or policing organisation, then we retain the right not to delete your information in the interest of protecting our intellectual property and in the interest of the public, in accordance with this privacy policy. In this circumstance you will be informed that your information has not been deleted and why. If a request is made to us of this nature, then we will respond to you and act on this request without delay and within a maximum time period of one month.

Right to restrict processing – You have the right to request the restriction or suppression of your data. You can ask us to hold your information, but not use it. If you are not happy with the way we use your data, as specified in this privacy policy, then you can make a request for us to do restrict of suppress use of your information via our contact page. Please note that this may restrict certain functions of the Radiology Masterclass website, such as the course completion assessments, and your account may need to be deleted completely. In this circumstance you will no longer have access to your account or any certificates in accordance with the information in the above section – see ‘Right to erasure’. Please note that this ‘right’ does not apply in all circumstances. If there is an investigation regarding unlawful use of the site involving you or your account, for example relating to an act of plagiarism, which may require us to pass on your personal information to a third party, such as an employer or policing organisation, then we retain the right not to restrict or suppress your information in the interest of protecting our intellectual property and in the interest of the public, in accordance with this privacy policy. In this circumstance you will be informed that your information has not been restricted or suppressed and why. If a request is made to us of this nature, then we will respond to you and act on this request without delay and within a maximum time period of one month.

Right to data portability – This is your right to data portability which allows you to obtain and reuse your personal data for your own purposes across different services.

Right to object – If you object to the use of personal data for direct marketing purposes relating to services or products provided by Radiology Masterclass, then we will stop using your data in this way. We will deal with your objection as soon as possible and free of charge. If you sign up to our Email Newsletter and then, for whatever reason, you later object to receiving this newsletter, please use the unsubscribe button which is clearly marked in the email. If you object to the use of your personal data for any other reason, please contact us using the form on our contact page.

Rights related to automated decision making including profiling - Radiology Masterclass does not use automated decision-making tools.

Our use of ‘cookies’

A cookie is a datum that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. Cookies may be either "persistent" cookies or "session" cookies: a persistent cookie will be stored by a web browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed.

Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.

For more information about cookies please go to

Cookies that we use

We use cookies for the following purposes:

For ease of use when making a purchase, some of your personal information – your name, address, and email address – will be populated automatically into the payment information form. You can edit this information to ensure it is correct before completing the transaction.

The quizzes in the ‘test yourself’ section of the Radiology Masterclass website uses technology similar to cookies to remember your score and generate a result to be viewed by you, but no personal information is held in this section of the site.

Web analytics

We also permit the use of cookies for web analytics.

The Radiology Masterclass website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyse how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

Managing your cookies

You can change the setting on your web browser to manage cookies as you specify. If you object to the use of cookies this may interfere with some functions of the Radiology Masterclass website, and some parts of the site may be completely unusable.

Social media

Radiology Masterclass makes use of social media platforms. Purposes for engaging with such platforms include providing followers with information about new content, promotions, events, and offers. Radiology Masterclass promises to comply with the terms and conditions as stated by any third-party provider of social media we use. Radiology Masterclass promises not to publish your data gathered on the website on any social media platform. If you contact us via a social media platform, we will only respond to you using the same platform and in accordance with the terms and conditions of that platform.

Data protection officer

Our data protection officer's contact details are: Dr G Lloyd-Jones – see address below.

Company and contact details

This website is owned and operated by Radiology Masterclass Limited.

We are registered in the UK under company registration number 10702872 and our registered address for correspondence is Dr G Lloyd-Jones, Radiology Masterclass, Department of Radiology, New Hall Hospital, Bodenham, Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK.

The quickest way to contact us is via our contact page.

Date of last update to this policy

January 2019


New Trauma X-ray Quizzes

The site is currently undergoing a systems update. Some functions on the site may not work for the next 24-48 hours. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.

Trauma X-ray Quiz - Upper Limb

Trauma X-ray - Lower Limb

The Radiology OSCE (video)

Presentation by Dr Graham Lloyd-Jones at the annual finals conference of the Royal Society of Medicine. Essential tips on how to get through the Radiology OSCE. Watch video >>

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