Radiology Masterclass
Terms and conditions of use
This page contains the general terms and conditions for use of the Radiology Masterclass website and specific terms and conditions regarding use of the courses section of the site. These terms are subject to change at any time. If you do not agree to these terms, then please do not use the site.
Firstly, thank you for choosing to use services provided by Radiology Masterclass. As a user of the Radiology Masterclass website you are invited to comment on any part of the site and to offer any suggestions pertaining to its improvement. Radiology Masterclass is dedicated to provision of online educational facilities to the very highest of standards and if you feel that your expectations of these high standards are not met then please contact Radiology Masterclass via the contact page to tell us how we can make improvements.
You/your/user - Refers to a 'user' of services provided by Radiology Masterclass
Us/we/our - Refers to 'Radiology Masterclass Limited'
Your institution – Your place of study or employment, or the organisation/charity with which you are affiliated
Radiology Masterclass aims to provide world class educational services. Although designed with a UK audience in mind the services are also offered more broadly to those who need to access teaching material related to medical imaging.
The site is not yet complete. Maybe it never will be as there is always room for improvement and no end to the breadth and depth of information which could be presented. That said, Radiology Masterclass seeks only to publish that which is deemed to be of the highest quality of content. We believe that this commitment to quality, rather than quantity, of educational material is the reason for the ongoing success of the site. We promise to continue this commitment to quality.
Radiology Masterclass pledges to offer you, the user, the highest quality of customer services. If there is any way that you feel that our customer services can be improved, then please get in contact via the contact page. We will endeavour to answer questions as quickly as possible.
You can contact Radiology Masterclass at any time using the main contact page. We will endeavour to respond to your message as soon as reasonably possible. You can also contact Radiology Masterclass by mail at Dr G Lloyd-Jones, Radiology Masterclass, New Hall Hospital, Bodenham, Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK. SP5 4EY. Use of this address is likely to delay response, but Radiology Masterclass will make every effort to respond as soon as possible via the return details provided.
We understand that very occasionally things can go wrong. If you are in any way dissatisfied with paid for services provided by Radiology Masterclass, then every reasonable effort will be made to offer a full refund for any service not yet accessed as soon as possible. If a user is dissatisfied with a service which has been partially accessed then Radiology Masterclass will also make every effort to resolve any dispute and to offer an appropriate refund as quickly as reasonably possible. Please note that when a full refund is offered the user will no longer be able to access the paid for item. If the user has not previously accessed services in the paid for section of the site then the account of the user will usually be deleted. This, however, would not usually preclude the user from re-registering using the same details at a later date. In the unlikely event of a refund claim, users can expect the refund to be settled within 48 hours of making contact with Radiology Masterclass. However, in exceptional circumstances Radiology Masterclass may not be able to offer a response to a refund claim in this time period. Radiology Masterclass offers users a maximum time limit of 21 days to respond to and resolve any dispute. If a dispute cannot be resolved in this time, then a full refund will be offered, and the item purchased deleted from their account (which may require deletion of the users account). Radiology Masterclass reserves the right to delete the account of any user, but will not do so without making reasonable explanation for doing so. To make a claim for a refund please contact us at and mark the subject as REFUND. Your claim will then be dealt with on an urgent basis.
Data and privacy
Radiology Masterclass takes your privacy seriously. Please see our separate Privacy Policy.
Delivery of services
Radiology Masterclass provides online services which, although usually delivered instantaneously, depend on the quality of electronic services available to users. The delivery of images for educational and course certification purposes depends on good user access to high speed internet connectivity and the specifications of devices employed by the user. It is the user's responsibility to ensure they have adequate access to the required technological specifications to allow use of the site. If, however, the use of any paid for part of the site is not accessible to the user for technical reasons outside the user's control then a refund will be offered, so long as no benefit has already been gained by the user in using paid for services. Please note that this may result in deletion of the user's registration details and cancellation of access to any online certification gained, but not without prior due warning.
The site is dependent on use of the most up to date versions of the most popular web browsers. It is the user's responsibility to download and use the most up to date versions of their preferred web browser.
Although all areas of the Radiology Masterclass website function satisfactorily on most hand-held devices the use of these devices is not recommended for the paid for sections. Use of phone devices is also not advised for these sections of the site because image resolution is not sufficient to allow accurate assessment of high resolution images for the purpose of demonstrating radiological findings.
Users who finish a course completion test will be given access to a certificate of course completion via their account page. This is a unique certificate that can be added to the user's portfolio and shown to an employer or academic institution either electronically or in printed form. Print quality is dependent on the printer hardware and paper quality employed by the user. The certificate can be printed directly from the browser, but it is preferable for the user to save the image certificate to their computer and copy it into a standard word processor application from which it can be appropriately resized and printed. If a user wants to print a copy of the certificate, then it is the user's responsibility to make reasonable efforts to print their certificate to sufficient quality. Radiology Masterclass cannot be held responsible for the quality of print achieved. The certificate contains a user specific encrypted verification code that makes it available online to anyone the user passes this code on to. In this way the certificate is accessible at all times online. Radiology Masterclass will ensure that certificates remain available for at least the duration of the validity of any certificate - usually three years. After this time the certificate may or may not be accessible to be viewed online. If a user's certificate remains visible online after the date of validity of the certificate has expired this does not equate to continued validity of the certificate or competence in skills demonstrated in gaining the certificate.
CPD/CME accreditation
On completion of the course completion assessments provided online by Radiology Masterclass the relevant number of CPD/CME credits are awarded in accordance with the CPD Scheme of the Royal College of Radiologists, London, UK. From time to time, the way CME/CPD points are recognised changes. On this basis it is not possible for Radiology Masterclass to provide refunds for courses in the unlikely event that Radiology Masterclass no longer complies with the CPD scheme of the Royal College of Radiologists.
Inappropriate use
Radiology Masterclass reserves the right to curtail the account of any user who is deemed to be using the site inappropriately as defined by Radiology Masterclass. Any individual or organisation that makes inappropriate, unqualified, or defamatory statements regarding Radiology Masterclass in any setting will be subject to the scrutiny of British and international law.
If there is any uncertainty regarding the validity of a certificate the user must give permission to an employer to access the online version of the certificate. This is especially relevant to any candidate that has included evidence of course completion as part of any employment application. Radiology Masterclass will not defend the fraudulent claim of course completion by a user or any other individual claiming to be a successful test candidate. If a fraudulent claim of course completion is made then Radiology Masterclass reserves the right to divulge details of users, or those claiming to be users, to employers or officials from academic institution without the expressed permission of the user. Reserving this right is seen as important in the interest of protecting patients from health care workers who make a wrongful claim of course completion who by doing so may give the impression of competency that is not justified.
Users are required to be honest in the provision of personal registration details and to complete courses in their own name. Users of the course certification section must complete course tests without assistance from others. As in real life medical practice, access to any reference sources, including the main Radiology Masterclass site, is permissible, but the user must complete the relevant certification test themselves. Some institutions may require tests to be taken under examination conditions. The user is responsible for contacting their employer or academic institution to ascertain if this is the case.
Completion of courses, and their relevant online tests, does not imply medical competency to the user in the skill learned and tested. Competency can only be imparted by the user's employer or an official of an academic institution who has made their own judgement regarding the validity of the online certification process. Affiliated institutions of Radiology Masterclass may decide to accept evidence of course completion as taken to represent a level of competency, but this is entirely at the discretion of that organisation. This must follow written documentation of the affiliation of the said organisation with Radiology Masterclass. Users should be aware that some employers will insist on invigilated examination conditions and may insist on a percentage grade pass as specified by them. This mark may be higher or lower than that specified as a 'pass' by Radiology Masterclass.
Under no circumstances does Radiology Masterclass take responsibility for any medical decision based on information learned or tested via the website. Radiology Masterclass cannot be held responsible for any damages of any kind which arise from use of the site, direct or indirect.
General Disclaimer
The use of Radiology Masterclass website is no substitute for formal medical training. Radiology Masterclass takes no responsibility for lack of exam success and advises adherence to local standards required within a formal undergraduate and postgraduate medical education curriculum. Where local advice differs from methodology proffered in the Radiology Masterclass website, local advice must be followed. Radiology Masterclass does not guarantee that data referring to clinical guidelines or nomenclature is up to date. No clinical decision should be made based on material in this website, reference to senior clinical opinion and knowledge gained from wider medical education is always required. Radiology Masterclass does not offer medical advice and if asked to do so via the contact form is not obliged to respond.
Pricing and discounts
The price of each paid for section is stated in GBP £. Users must take responsibility for deciding if the cost of paid for sections is affordable to them. Users not familiar with the stated currency must make their own calculations of currency exchange. The payment gateway does not make this calculation for those paying in a currency other than GBP. Radiology Masterclass cannot be held responsible for any incorrect calculations made by users or those acting on behalf of users when using the payment gateway. You will not be charged Value Added Tax for use of services provided by Radiology Masterclass.
At times discounts for course completion tests may be available. Generalised discounts may be used or in the case of provision of discounts to specific user groups promotional codes may be employed. The user must make careful use of promotional codes while using the payment gateway. Radiology Masterclass makes no guarantee that an incorrectly entered promotional code resulting in charging full price for a particular paid for a service will be refunded. However, if a candidate contacts Radiology Masterclass and explains that the code was incorrectly used, and it can be proven that the candidate is a valid member of the specific user group to whom the promotional code applies, then Radiology Masterclass will make every reasonable effort to provide the relevant discount in retrospect.
Failure of services
Once paid for, online services purchased are usually available immediately. Very occasionally these services may be temporarily unavailable. This may be due to updates that Radiology Masterclass is making to services or because of technical factors which are out of the control of Radiology Masterclass. In this case please be patient and accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused. If there is a catastrophic failure of services and the services purchased have become obsolete then the user must contact Radiology Masterclass via the contact page in order to request a refund. If the contact page is not functional then the user must contact Radiology Masterclass by mail. In the event of a catastrophic failure of online services Radiology Masterclass will make every effort to offer a full discount as soon as is possible.
All content of the Radiology Masterclass website is under Copyright. Users do not have permission to use any material found on the Radiology Masterclass website unless permission has been granted in writing via email.
Permission can be granted to individual students for use of images for the purposes of project work to be submitted as part of their formal medical education. This permission must be confirmed in writing prior to submission and full credit must be given at the source of use of every item of content, text or image-based.
For those who wish to make use of content from the Radiology Masterclass website, who are in paid employment of health care or academic institutions, permission can only be granted to those associated with an institution which is a member of the affiliates scheme. To become a member of the affiliate scheme the affiliates scheme application form can be completed by an individual in an official post of medical education (such as a senior doctor or a college tutor from any health care or academic institution ) or someone acting on their behalf.
No permission will be granted for any reproduction of material online without pre-agreed payment to Radiology Masterclass. Reproduction in academic institutions may be granted if solely for non-commercial educational purposes. Specifically, no individual or organisation will be granted permission to use any content of the Radiology Masterclass website if there is direct financial benefit to that individual or organisation without previously agreed payment for specified usage. No material can be reproduced in any printed form to be distributed free of charge or for purchase without written consent from Radiology Masterclass.
In all cases where permission is granted for use of material from the site this material, text or image-based, can only be used with direct acknowledgement that Radiology Masterclass is the source of the material. Individuals must apply for permission to use material for every occasion in which it is used even if considered a repeated event. Acknowledgement of Radiology Masterclass as the source of any material must be made clearly at the point of every use. Any pages printed by users should maintain the Copyright information and should not be passed to a third party without acknowledgement of the source of the material.
ALL INTENDED USES OF MATERIAL FROM THE RADIOLOGY MASTERCLASS WEBSITE MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR INSPECTION PRIOR TO USE TO ENSURE CORRECT USE AND FULL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Failure to take this step may result in a formal approach of complaint being made to the institution from which the offender originates, and legal advice may be sought by Radiology Masterclass, the cost of which may be passed on to the offender.
Users are advised that reproduction of content as part of academic course work made without permission or correct acknowledgement may result in severe penalties imposed by their academic institution or employer. If a user claims to be the author of any of the content of this website, then Radiology Masterclass will not provide any defence to that user.
New Trauma X-ray Quizzes
The site is currently undergoing a systems update. Some functions on the site may not work for the next 24-48 hours. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
Trauma X-ray Quiz - Upper Limb
The Radiology OSCE (video)

Presentation by Dr Graham Lloyd-Jones at the annual finals conference of the Royal Society of Medicine. Essential tips on how to get through the Radiology OSCE. Watch video >>
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