Ureteric calculus - KUB control image
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Ureteric calculus - KUB control image
- This patient presented with loin-to-groin pain on the right with a trace of blood in the urine.
- This Kidneys/Ureters/Bladder (KUB) control image for an Intravenous Urogram (IVU) shows a calcified focus in the pelvis which is a possible cause of ureteric obstruction.
- An IVU was performed - see below.
Intravenous Urogram - IVU image
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Intravenous Urogram - IVU image
- (Same patient as image above)
- Following intravenous injection of contrast material, the left kidney shows normal excretion with contrast clearing normally from the ureter into the bladder.
- On the right the collecting system is dilated.
- Dilated calyces can be referred to as 'clubbed'.
- The focus of calcification seen on the control KUB image is confirmed as the cause of ureteric obstruction.