Coronary artery stent
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Coronary artery stent
- Coronary stents may be visible on chest X-rays
ECG buttons
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ECG buttons
- Following a 12 lead ECG (electrocardiogram) this patient’s ECG buttons remain stuck to the skin of the chest wall and were not noticed by the radiographer at the time of this chest X-ray
- If appropriate, artifacts should be removed from the chest wall prior to taking a chest X-ray
- Sometimes a patient is too unwell for these to be removed – as in many of the other images in this gallery
Other medical artifacts
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Other medical artifacts
- This X-ray was acquired to verify the position of the temporary pacing wire – the only internal artifact visible in this image
- Very sick patients frequently have a large number of lines, tubes and other artifacts projected over the chest X-ray
- It is often not appropriate for these to be removed prior to acquisition of a chest X-ray
- If you cannot identify an artifact on a chest X-ray then its identity can be checked by examining the patient or checking the notes