Coarctation of the aorta
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Coarctation of the aorta
- Features of coarctation of the aorta (congenital narrowing of the aorta) may be visible on a chest X-ray
- Coarctation causes blood flow to be deviated from the upper part of the descending aorta into the intercostal vessels of the 4-8th ribs bilaterally which results in ‘notching’ of their inferior edge
- These signs are subtle and so a high degree of clinical suspicion is often required to make the diagnosis
Coarctation - figure 3 sign
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Coarctation - figure 3 sign
- The narrowing (coarctation) results in the descending aorta taking on a contour said to resemble a figure ‘3’
Coarctation - Stent
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Coarctation - Stent
- (Same patient as two images above)
- This patient has been treated with stent insertion at the point of coarctation