Dextrocardia with situs inversus
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Dextrocardia with situs inversus
- Note the right side marker (R)
- This patient has dextrocardia - the heart is on the right hand side
- The stomach bubble is also on the right - in fact all the abdominal viscera are on the wrong side in this patient - an anatomical anomaly known as situs inversus
- On clinical examination the apex beat was found on the RIGHT - confirming dextrocardia
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- This looks similar to the previous X-ray of dextrocardia, but the radiographer had accidentally flipped the digital image and labelled it incorrectly
- On clinical examination the apex beat was found in its normal position on the LEFT
- If you think an X-ray is labelled incorrectly then make sure you inform the X-ray Department - labelling errors are more common than dextrocardia
- To diagnose dextrocardia - examine the patient!