MRI Brain - Axial T2 - Cerebellar infarct
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MRI Brain - Axial T2 - Cerebellar infarct
- This patient presented with a sudden onset cerebellar syndrome
- An area of high signal (bright area) in the right cerebellar hemisphere represents oedema
- In this clinical context the oedema indicates a posterior circulation infarct
- (Same patient as image below)
DWI/ADC - Cerebellar infarct
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DWI/ADC - Cerebellar infarct
- (Same patient as image above)
- Confirmation of a recent ischaemic event can be gained by performing Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) and the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) images which are viewed together
- The area of high signal on the DWI image correlates with an area of low signal on the ADC image
- This pattern indicates restricted diffusion – a sign of recent ischaemia