Radiology Masterclass

Radiology Masterclass provides online medical imaging education resources for medical students, doctors, and allied health care professionals.

Build your skills in medical imaging by using our free learning material, and then sign up to a course completion assessment to prove your knowledge.


Sign up to one of our online certificated course completion assessments today. All our course completion assessments award CPD/CME credits in accordance with the CPD Scheme of the Royal College of Radiologists, London, UK.


Consolidate the knowledge you have gained in the tutorials section by reviewing sample cases in the X-ray Galleries.

COVID-19 resources

Now listed on one page. Go to COVID-19 resources.


Site update

The site has had a systems update (completed 28th March). Everything should now be functioning as expected for users of the assessment/certificate system. Please let us know if you encounter any problems via the contact us page. Thank you!

New Trauma X-ray Quizzes

Trauma X-ray Quiz - Upper Limb

Trauma X-ray - Lower Limb

The Radiology OSCE (video)

Presentation by Dr Graham Lloyd-Jones at the annual finals conference of the Royal Society of Medicine. Essential tips on how to get through the Radiology OSCE. Watch video >>

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